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Create gourmet foods in your own home with the new Bradely Smokers

Bradley Smoker makes it simple for the expert or novice meat smoker to create gourmet quality smoked food. Get perfect results every time you smoke with the various Bradley smokers that we feature at the lowest prices, including the Bradley Original Smoker and the Bradley Digital Smoker (4-rack or 6-rack).

Bradley Original Smoker (4-rack - BS611):

The new bradley electric original smoker comes with 4 removable racks and easy to use temperature controls, which provide a consistent and controlled smoke and temperature. This makes it easy for anyone to hot and/or cold smoke! Additionally, the Bradley Original smoker can be used as a slow cooker or a slow roasting oven.


  • New Stainless Steel Interior.
  • New Rack supports keep racks from tipping over when pulled out.
  • Heat control moved to Smoke Generator, which will eliminate moisture damage to switch.
  • Improved Front Face Plate.
  • Improved Electronic components.
  • Extra large front feet for added support and stability.
  • Generator has removable side panel for ease of cleaning and preventative maintenance.

Bradley Digital Smoker (Countertop 2-rack, 4-rack or 6-rack):

The Bradley Digital Food Smoker includes all the features of the Bradley Original Electric Smoker, along with the benefits of digital technology. Temperature, time, and smoke are now completely controllable so you can decide how much smoke you want, how long your food is going to be smoked for, and at what temperature. Perfect for entertaining, creating gourmet foods in your own home, or just enjoying the flavor that smoking brings, the new Bradley Digital Smokers offer an easier and better way to automatically roast, smoke and barbecue in the outdoors.

The Bradley Digital Food Smoker is available with 4 or 6 racks, and in small countertop edition as well.
The exclusive Jim Beam Smoker Edition is available with 4 racks.

To see all available Bradley smoker models, specs and discount pricing, please use the above button.

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Disclaimer: While we strive to ensure that product information is correct, on occasion manufacturers may alter their product components and attributes. Actual packaging may contain different components than that shown on our Web site. We recommend that you do not solely rely on the information presented here. For additional product information, please contact the manufacturer. By clicking on the above buttons you will be directed to our advertising partners. Pricing and product availability are subject to change without notice. Product prices are accurate as of 15:01 EST and are subject to change. Any price information displayed on our advertising partners (including at the time of purchase will apply to the purchase of the relevant product. assumes no liability for inaccuracies or misstatements about products.